Download Mathematik / Albert Fetzer. 1 by Albert Fetzer, Heiner Fränkel, Albert Fetzer, Heiner PDF

By Albert Fetzer, Heiner Fränkel, Albert Fetzer, Heiner Fränkel, Dietrich Feldmann, Horst Schwarz, Werner Spatzek, Siegfried Stief

ISBN-10: 3540689230

ISBN-13: 9783540689232

Dieses erfolgreiche einf?hrende Lehrbuch liegt nun in der 10. Auflage vor. Es zeichnet sich durch eine exakte und anschauliche Darstellung aus. Der Lehrstoff ist klar gegliedert und intestine strukturiert. Er wird durch eine F?lle von Beispielen und Abbildungen veranschaulicht und vertieft.

Zahlreiche Aufgaben mit L?sungen zu jedem Abschnitt erleichtern das Selbststudium.

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Why You Need To Read This Book People around the world dream of mathematical excellence. Yet, so few will ever develop the math skills they'll need to succeed. As a result, they may never pursue the amazing hoped for job opportunities. They may never write computer programs or take part in the creation of the kinds of formulas that send spaceships to the moon. They may never learn to balance their savings and expenses, which may mean a life of uncertainty, stress and debt. They may never have impressive business contacts or travel the world, all due to failure in this area.

To take a longer example, "animal" could help you recall the number "235" because n = 2, m=3 and l=5. But is this enough? Not really. What we need is to take these images and make them large, bright, vibrant, strange, bursting with color and energized with action. " We already have "nun" (22) and we already have "animal" (235), so let's add zany action by having the nun attack the lion. If the number were 23522, you could just reverse the image. Now the lion is attacking the nun. By making sure that the words we create from the phonetic sounds are linked to the numbers, we make everything much more memorable.

Here's one: 3 times 3 got a fine, paid the judge, the fine of 9. This is a sample example only. Encourage everyone with whom you discuss these techniques to come up with their own imagery. But as we've noted before, it's important to see the images in your mind and locate them in a Memory Palace so that you can revisit them later. You cannot decode the information if you don't know where to find it. This is one of the reasons why having a linear journey is so important. To give you another example, (even though you do need to come up with your own), take this one: 4 times 4, buying shoe-shaped beans, why buy 4 and not 16?

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