Download Digital Differential Analysers by A. V. Shileiko, D. W. Fry and W. Higinbotham (Auth.) PDF

By A. V. Shileiko, D. W. Fry and W. Higinbotham (Auth.)

ISBN-10: 0080104002

ISBN-13: 9780080104003

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In other models of DDA, various binary-decimal notations are employed, which differ in the weighting of the digital places in the tetrad. Systems used include 8—4—2—1, 1—1—2—5 and one with a system with a 3's remainder. e. takes one of two possible values) and serves as a sign indicator. The relation between machine and mathe­ matical numbers is defined in this case by the relation y=y- 10 N~\ (34) Binary-decimal notation in conjunction with a binary system of increments is used in the digital differential analyser "CRC 105" by the Computer Research Co.

In fact, the scale of the quantities x and y in the integrators A and B should take account of the range of variation of these variables. Let the terms of the problem be that x and y should vary between the limits 0 < y < 25 and 0 < x < 25. The scale factors of these variables qx and qy in integrators A and B should then equal 2. The variables xdyjdt and ydxjdt at the outputs of D 44 DIGITAL DIFFERERAI, ANALYSERS FIG. 19. Arrangement for solving the equation e*y = x -f y. integrators A and B will have scaling factors Sx — 2 and Sy — 2 respectively (Sx and Sy are the scaling factors of the variables dx/dt and dy/dt).

As a result a start pulse and the current value of the sum y + Σ Ay are all the time stored on the Y tracks of the integrators engaged in computation. 4. The r + y adder operates in the same manner as the y + Σ Φ> adder. Its input receives the quantities r and y* and also a transfer THE DESIGN OF MODERN DIGITAL DIFFERENTIAL ANALYSERS 59 signal delayed one place by the gate Kr. However, the adder is not controlled by the signal S as the start pulse is removed from the number y* in the y + Σ ày adder.

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