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By Arthur P. Whitaker (ed.)

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Encina, “ Gestación de la independencia,” Revista chilena de historia y geografía, vol. 89, no. , and § 13, pp. 53-5 4 . T R A C E S O F FR E N C H E N L IG H T E N ­ M E N T I N C O L O N IA L H I S P A N I C A M E R IC A 1 By R oland D. H ussey “ F r e n c h E n l i g h t e n m e n t ” means, in this paper, ideas developed in France, based upon the rejec­ tion of classical authority, upon insistence on the need for experimental investigation, and upon ac­ ceptance of the conclusions of such experimenta­ tion even when they conflicted with earlier cher­ ished beliefs.

E s t a d o q u e m a n ifie s t a lo s e fe c to s — A . G . I . , I n d . G e n . 2 4 2 8 . d r id , 8 4 C f . : F . d e F ig u e ir e d o , “ D o a s p e c to s d e n tilic o n a c o l o n i z a d o P o r t u ­ g u e s a d a A m e r i c a , ” R e v i s t a d e h is t o r ia , X I V 8 E . P o sad a (L is b o a , 19 2 5 ) , 18 9 -2 2 0 . ( e d . ) , R e la c io n e s d e l m a n d o ( B o g o t á , 1 9 1 0 ) , 2 5 2 ; R e v i l l a G i g e d o , In s t r u c c ió n r e s e r v a d a ( M e x ic o , 1 8 3 1 ) , 1 0 ; J .

For example, in Spanish Am erica, Cartesianism was undermining scholasti­ cism and drawing the lines of thought that were to be followed through the struggle for independence and for a long time thereafter; and boundary com­ missions, such as that of F e lix de A zara in the Plata [ 16 ] THE DUAL RÓLE OF LATIN AMERICA region, were promoting both scientific and histori­ cal studies. In Spain, that zeal for historical writing which Becker has described as one of the stigmata of the Enlightenment led to the promising enterprise of Ju an Bautista Muñoz, whom the court commis­ sioned to write a new history of the N ew W o rld ; a Spanish translation of Adam Smith’s Wealth of Nations was published at M adrid and was dedi­ cated to the K ing’s Chief M inister; and the climax came in 1789 when the court sent out an ambitious politico-scientific mission, headed by Alejandro Malaspina, to gather data on which a thorough­ going reform of the Spanish regime in Am erica was to be based.

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