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By Rina Kim, Lillie R. Albert

ISBN-10: 3319135414

ISBN-13: 9783319135410

ISBN-10: 3319135422

ISBN-13: 9783319135427

The objective of this learn is to spot the types of South Korean effortless academics’ wisdom for instructing arithmetic. rising from the information amassed and the following research are 5 different types of South Korean hassle-free academics’ wisdom for educating arithmetic: arithmetic Curriculum wisdom, arithmetic Learner wisdom, primary arithmetic Conceptual wisdom, arithmetic Pedagogical content material wisdom, and arithmetic Pedagogical Procedural wisdom. the 1st 3 different types of information play an important function in arithmetic guideline as an built-in shape inside arithmetic Pedagogical content material wisdom. This learn additionally validated that arithmetic Pedagogical Procedural wisdom may well play a pivotal position in developing arithmetic Pedagogical content material wisdom. those findings are attached to effects from proper reports by way of the numerous function of lecturers’ wisdom in arithmetic instruction.

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