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By Saul Patai(eds.)

ISBN-10: 0470034424

ISBN-13: 9780470034422

ISBN-10: 0471930563

ISBN-13: 9780471930563

Constitution and Bonding in Phosphine Chalcogenides (D. Gilheany).

constitution and Stereochemistry of Secondary and Tertiary Phosphine Chalcogenides (M. Gallagher).

Electrochemistry of Organophosphorus (5) Compounds (K. Santhanam).

Photochemistry of Phosphine Chalcogenides (M. Dankowski).

Spectroscopy of Phosphine Chalcogenides (G. Davidson).

tools of coaching of Phosphine Chalcogenides (A. Bhattacharya & N. Roy).

Chemical houses and Reactions of Phosphine Chalcogenides (R. Edmundson).

Coordination Chemistry of Tertiary Phosphine Chalcogenides and Their Analytical and Catalytic functions (T. Lobana).Content:
Chapter 1 constitution and Bonding in Tertiary Phosphine Chalcogenides (pages 1–52): D. G. Gilheany
Chapter 2 constitution and Stereochemistry of Secondary and Tertiary Phosphine Chalcogenides (pages 53–76): M. J. Gallagher
Chapter three Electrochemistry of Organophosphorus(V) Compounds (pages 77–136): okay. S. V. Santhanam
Chapter four Photochemistry of Phosphine Chalcogenides (pages 137–167): M. Dankowski
Chapter five Spectroscopy of Phosphine Chalcogenides (pages 169–193): G. Davidson
Chapter 6 tools of guidance of Phosphine Chalcogenides (pages 195–285): A. okay. Bhattacharya and N. okay. Roy
Chapter 7 Chemical houses and Reactions of Phosphine Chalcogenides (pages 287–407): R. S. Edmundson
Chapter eight Coordination Chemistry of Phosphine Chalcogenides and Their Analytical and Catalytic functions (pages 409–566): T. S. Lobana

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Example text

5. 12. 5 1–3 ml/day 2n = 40 See Chapters 2, 5, 11, 12, and 18 for more detailed information. Copyright © 2002 by Taylor & Francis 6. 13 Identification, Bleeding, Anesthesia, and Euthanasia Methods for Laboratory Mice Identification methods Ear tags Ear punch, notch Tail tatoo identification number Subcutaneously implanted transponder Bleeding methods Orbital sinus “Tail Nick” Via heart after euthanasia Anesthesia methods Ketamine/xylazine, methoxyflurane, barbiturates, pentobarbital (5 mg/100 g IP) Euthanasia methods Barbiturate overdose CO2 inhalation Cervical dislocation 7.

B. FASTING Like humans, animals are often fasted in preparation for blood collection. Generally, fasting periods of 18–24 hours may be safely utilized for most species. However, for mice, fasting periods of 18–24 hours may lead to severe debility, dehydration, and even death. Therefore, it is recommended that fasting periods of no longer than 4–6 hours be used for this species. SECTION 13. ANESTHESIA AND ANALGESIA* A. GENERAL CONSIDERATIONS As stated earlier, investigators using live animals must employ appropriate anesthetic, analgesic, and sedative agents when necessary to control pain and distress, unless use of such agents would interfere with the specific objectives of the research.

Copyright © 2002 by Taylor & Francis Although CO has been shown to induce unconsciousness in animals with minimal discernible discomfort, the many dangers associated with CO outweigh its routine use in most laboratory settings. Nonetheless, CO inhalation is an acceptable method for euthanasia of many species, including dogs and cats, provided that compressed CO is used and the following precautions are taken: • Personnel must be thoroughly instructed in the use of CO and its associated hazards and limitations.

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